April 5, 2024

Post-Resurrection; Same Old, Same Old?

Friends, Lent is still very much on my mind these days. I am continually going back to what I had hoped and planned to do and realizing that, like most past Lents, I came up short. I cut a lot of corners. However, I take solace in the indescribable that took place, the Resurrection of Jesus. Or, as it was described in Luke 24 from our Gospel just yesterday...
"...they were still incredulous for joy and were amazed..."
Incredulous. Amazed. Apt words to describe how we can feel toward the single greatest event in the history of the world. 
So, yesterday the Apostles were incredulous.
And today, for these same Apostles, it is the 'same old, same old'. How so? We turn to Peter's comment made to several of the Apostles gathered on the shore of the Sea of Tiberias, the western shore of the Sea of Galilee so named after the Second Roman Emperor. Peter announced; "I am going fishing." Was Peter done with being incredulous already that he returned to his former life? Was the Resurrection going to have a lasting effect on him? Does it have a lasting effect on us?
On the lake the Apostles were fishing, unaware that Jesus was on the shore. On their own, they caught no fish. Once Jesus instructed them to "Cast the net over the right side..." they caught an abundance of fish. Abundance when we surrender. 
Let us cast where and when Jesus tells us.
HERE is the link to the song; "Cast My Cares on You" by Finding Favor.
Peace to you,
